Routing # 321076470


Like a certificate of deposit (CD), 定期存单利率较高,在存期内有回报保证.

Enjoy an Insured, Guaranteed Return on Your Money

存单,比如大额存单或定期存单,可以让你 赚取比传统储蓄账户更高的固定利率 在存单有效期内未取款. 这笔钱由国家信用合作社管理局(NCUA)投保,最高可达25万美元.

Certificate Benefits

Safety and Security


Variety of Certificate Terms

Choose from 3 to 60 months

Top-rated Mobile App and Online Banking

Access your certificates and accounts on the go

Set Up Alerts

Receive alerts for certificate renewal

Certificates Rates2

Rates Effective 03/01/2024


Min. Balance

Min Balance

APY1RateDividends Paid
1841713 - 5 Months$ Maturity01/03/20243 to 60 months0At Maturity
1842226 - 11 Months$ Maturity01/08/20230
18545412 - 17 Months$
185575.218 - 23 Months$250.003.753.69Monthly01/08/2023$500,000.0018-Month
18565724 - 35 Months $250.003.503.45Monthly01/08/20230
18571836 - 47 Months$
18577948 - 59 Months$
185841060 Months$ to 60 Months0
28693414 Month Promo*$250.004.904.80Monthly01/02/20240
28698623 Month Promo*$250.004.604.51Monthly01/08/20230

IRA Certificates Rates2

Rates Effective 03/01/2024

TermMin. BalanceAPY1RateDividends Paid
28701414 Month Promo$250.004.904.80Monthly01/08/2023
28704623 Month Promo$250.004.604.51Monthly01/08/2023
186511060 Months$
18645948 - 59 Months$
18635836 - 47 Months$
18627724 - 35 Months$250.003.503.45Monthly01/08/2023
185175.218 - 23 Months$250.003.753.69Monthly01/08/2023
18510312 - 17 Months$
1848626 - 11 Months$250.00 2.001.98At Maturity01/08/2023
1846213 - 5 Months$ Maturity01/03/2024

Certificate Promotion

Limited time: 我们有2个令人兴奋的证书提供,提供储蓄和保证回报!

4.90% APY 14-Month Certificate4

  • 如果你愿意投资14个月来赚取更高的利率,这是一个完美的选择.
  • Requires 10+ years of tenure as a Patelco member, 或者每月存款至少500美元的活期支票账户3

4.60% APY 23-Month Certificate4

  • 如果你认为利率可能会下降,并希望锁定一个较高的利率,那么长期债券是你最好的选择.
  • Requires 10+ years of tenure as a Patelco member, 或者每月存款至少500美元的活期支票账户3

Certificate FAQs

  • Patelco是一家会员所有的非营利性金融合作社. When you join Patelco, you become a member and a shareholder. 这就是为什么当你加入时,我们会在你的股票储蓄账户中存入一股(1美元).
    我们的使命是帮助会员实现终身财务健康,让您生活得更快乐, fuller lives.
    不像大银行或其他营利性金融机构, 我们将我们的利润以太阳集团官网和低到没有费用的方式投资给我们的会员.
    我们还为任何想要改善财务状况的人提供免费的财务建议. Members have told us that they feel seen, heard, informed, 并支持他们做出更自信的财务选择.
    Membership is free. 当你在我们这里开户时,你就成为会员了.

    定期存单提供较高的固定利率和有保证的回报 if you don’t need to keep your money liquid. 这是一项安全的投资,因为NCUA为它投保了250美元,000 (or $500,000 in a joint account for two people). 存单上没有赔钱的风险,除非你提前取款.

    证书账户在指定期限内为您提供固定的股息率和年利率. 对于期限少于12个月的存单,股息是复利的,到期时计入. For certificates with terms longer than 12 months, 股息按月复利计算,并在每月的最后一天记入贷方.

    Unless otherwise specified, 所有证书账户都有提前提现的处罚, 在开户或续费后六个日历日内提款, 罚款将是整个账户余额七天的股息.3

    Yes. 除非另有说明,所有常规证书都可以作为IRA证书打开. Minimum balance for all IRA certificates is $250.

Certificate Ladder Strategy

对于使用股票存单或定期存单的储户来说,一个常见的策略是将存款分成等额和不同到期日的存单. 这样你就可以在较长期限内利用较高的利率,同时在不久的将来保留一些资金.

  • Terms from 3 to 60 months
  • $250 minimum opening deposit and balance
  • Compounded dividends paid monthly
  • Guaranteed return on principal

1 APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Terms and conditions may vary by account.

2 除非另有说明,所有常规证书都可以作为IRA证书打开. 所有证书和IRA证书的最低余额为250美元.00.

3 证书晋升利率视乎资历而定. 14个月证书推广费率为4.90% APY and standard rate of 4.60% APY; 23-Month Certificate promotion has a premium rate of 4.60% APY and standard rate of 4.10% APY. 以获得任何证书推广期限的高保费率, 必须满足以下条件中的至少一个:任期为10年以上,截至2024年12月31日, 或开立支票帐户(同一会籍下),每月定期存款总额不少于500美元. 如果任何时候都不符合支票账户的条件, 税率将降至较低的标准税率,此后不再恢复. 合格的存款交易包括:工资直接存款, 社会保障(或其他政府福利)直接存款, ACH transfers, Zelle®, Venmo, PayPal or other similar deposits, cash deposits, 支票存款(从另一个Patelco账户开出的支票除外), wire transfers, 多次存款(这里列出的类型)在一个日历月里累计至少500美元. 合格的存款交易不包括Patelco账户到Patelco账户的转账, 来自帕特尔科的退款或促销奖励. 所有存单都有提前取款的处罚. For IRA Certificates, 如果IRA持有人年龄在59岁半或以上,则免除提前提款罚款. Fees could reduce earnings. 的“证书帐户”部分 Patelco Member Handbook.

4 APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Rates are effective as of 03/01/2024. Rates may vary at the time of maturity or renewal.

5 提前提取所有证书将受到处罚. 的“证书帐户”部分 Patelco Member Handbook.


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